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Vangsgaard's Antiquariate

You can buy the books directly through this webshop, and you can choose to pay online, via invoice order (where you pay on receipt of your books) or you can order as "pick-up in store", and then collect your order, and pay for your books, in our cozy shop in Fiolstræde 34 -36 in the medieval centre of Copenhagen.

Johannes Larsen, med indledning af Otto Gelsted
Peter og Marianne
Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie


Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie, par Mr. Frederic Louïs Norden, captaine des vaisseaux du roi. Ouvrage enrichie de Cartes & de Figures dessinées sur les lieux, par l'Auteur même.

2 volumes in 1. L'Imprimerie de la Maison Royale des Orphelins, Copenhagen 1755. Folio (42 x 30 cm.). Printed on thick paper. Engraved portrait of author (by Johann Martin Preisler) + engraved frontispiece (Marcus Tuscher). (40)+288 pages + and 159 engraved maps and views (drawn by the author and engraved/etched by Tuscher, partly in cooperation with the author). Bound in a recent brown half-morocco binding with richly gilt decorations in 18th style on spine (Bent Andrée/Hagel Olsen 1977). Old name (CG Tessin) on title page. Inscription (1942) and old ink stamp (Rosenørn Lehn) on subtitle page opening the paginated section.
* Attractive copy of this pioneering work, the cornerstone of Egyptology, published in 200 copies by the then newly founded Royal Danish Scientific Society. The Danish naval officer FL Norden (1708-42) traveled on the Nile 1737-38, reaching as far as today's Sudan. He was a skilled draughtsman, and his enormous material was the first documentation of many Egyptian monuments ever, also depicting everyday life in Egypt. ** Danish Book Art 20. One of the 50 most beautiful Danish books ever. Magnificently equipped Danish edition of this magnum opus, which was published in French in 1755. The Danish naval officer reached further down the Nile than any European had accomplished since ancient times and with his precise observations and drawings became the founder of Egyptology.

DKK 50,000 

Grønlandsk Sommer
Tretten dage af sne
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